Tuesday, August 16, 2016

[My Answers #4] How do I escape this lie of a life?

So back then I was bored and interested to answer questions from Yahoo. Here are some of them. (Oh yeah I love to read my own crafted words! :D)
How do I escape this lie of a life?

I feel like for my whole life I have never been genuinely happy. Of course I've laughed and joked but at the end of the day I feel like that was all an attempt at being a "normal" person. An act to hide the apathetic person that I really am.

I have everybody fooled, if you met me in real life you would think that I'm a very happy guy, but behind the smile I feel like I'm hopeless and it may be better to just end it now. It's not the first time that I've had thoughts like this but it's the first time that I am seriously considering.

I don't know if its a mental health problem of what but I'm starting to think that I will never be able to experience genuine happiness in my pathetic life. Everything that I do and say in the real world feels like a lie And I'm getting really tired of pretending.

Sorry for the rant but I just feel like I need to tell someone the truth before it's to late. Does anyone have any idea what I should or could do?


Best Answer:  It means you're still in survival mode (just like most of human being on this planet). The survival instinct is the first to function when we were born.. and it quickly sensed that in order to survive, we must adapt, FIT IN to social rules & expectations. We learned to act (as in "actor/actress") on what's acceptable & what's not. Nothing wrong with survival instinct as it's an intelligence on its own, but later in life we found some behavioral pathways don't serve us any longer, feel so FAKE to who we really are. At that moment, it's time to take over the steering control, turn off the autopilot.

Now how to do that, you asked. From my experience, I only know courage as the answer. You have to dare yourself to change, start revealing the real you openly and endure the consequences - whatever your environment (family, friends, workplace etc) perceive. You stop reacting/behaving the usual way everyone expect you to will cause a stir, big or small.

Yes this could be a big bang. You get out of your cocoon that's been protecting you for so long, you will come out an entirely different being (which is actually the real you), don't expect your life would be the same. Some would be disappointed, hate it, or love it.. but what matters is it's so much liberating!

I could go on forever on this but that's it for now, and in the end it's up to your decision: there is a price for freedom, but believe me it's worth it.

Good luck.

Source(s): personal experience

Prince Adrian · 1 year ago
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Asker's rating 4 out of 5
And to think you only have till your 70 or 90 to fine out where you fit in this world.....So many hide themselves in drugs or drink letting it be their guild in life.....not knowing and understanding they are but children looking out the window wanting to go out and play but the chains of life around their ankles place there by lies, love, anger, and the strongest is fear will not let them....My answer is to do as Jesus said, "Seek, knock and ask" and those chains will fall off and instead of pitting yourself for nothing.... you will live with the understanding you are just passing through and life becomes to have so much love in it that your heart will and cannot hold it all and bubbles up and out and on and you can see clearly for the darkness that you were living in...will have so much light in it that as you go to sleep at night you will be saying, (I think I'll let you answer that for yourself if you understand the words the Lord gave me)

william ellis · 1 year ago
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1 comment

Sorry William I appreciate your answer but I don't understand What do you mean by seek knock and ask?

I don't understand you are saying that we are passing through, than why are we not be allowed to take a shortcut?

And where would one look for light in this life if all they know is darkness??

Robert · 1 year ago

Charles · 1 year ago
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