When i post a question on here, multiple times people answer saying the same thing, i don't understand the problem essentially is the response. My problem is that my life at the moment consist of, waking up, washing dishes at a restaurant for half the day, working out and then going to bed, that's my life for the summer until college starts again. I'm a senior and i don't have confidence that my degree will get me a better job, i endure this pitiful excuse for an existence because i feel that it is temporary, but what if it's not, i refuse to life out my days like this, alone, hating what i do with half my day, exercises because i need to let out my energy, yet society seems to think that this is normal, maybe it is, but i'm not okay with it at all and don't know how to change it
Best Answer: Yes, mostly society takes things for granted (the 'normal' stuff, ugh!).. or you're simply fed up doing the same routines. Or maybe you've got other underlying, indescribable dissatisfaction. Now you're aware of it? Congratulations. You're called to get out of prison. So what to do? The answer is not "out there" but "in here" - in you. This one cannot be solved by ordinary thinking so stop forcing your brain. Try to be in the moment as often as possible, and watch insights unfold..

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Excellence should be what makes you Satisfied, to be comfortable in saying "I have done good". I may not be Contented with what I get from my endeavor but I am Satisfied with what it gives me to live comfortably by. You may not be the next Bill Gates or Donald Trump, but you will be the better version of your own Divine Self. The moment you reflect your worth with those you are envious about, you will self pity and be sad that you are a helpless Dishwasher.
Change the way you think. Not happy with your job, then do something about it. The mind triggers you to think because you are reflecting discontent, and by being so is also asking what would you like to do? Want to have another job, decide. Want another opportunity, seek it. The Mind that perceives the limitation, is the Limitation. If you feel that you have not excelled, then carry on in finding such excellence, but do not search it to find happiness as a reason.
Happiness is a choice. No choice is a Choice. Everything and anything that your heart desire to achieve within the parameters of your Life Path are all with you. You just have to own it, and be grateful about it even in those low times when you seem can have both ends meet. Challenges is what push you, don't sulk, don't stagnate, move and move on. Make your existence not just about Philosophy, about Satisfaction... but more so about making it to mean something to you and all those lives you touch even if they wouldn't stop to say thank you.
You wash Dishes, big deal...that is a very noble job. If you see that every dish you wash is the kindness that you extend to those who have no arms to do so themselves...won't you be glad to have wash dishes for them? If all the paying customers, can't eat with clean dishes...how else can they dine? With Banana Leaves? Love what you do,not just do what you Love. And above what you have done, love the goodness of your deed.
By staying positive, you allow the Universe to work with you, not against It. Be the obedient Student and a grateful Master, for all your worth is not without cause, you cannot harvest what you have not planted, neither hope for the bounty while there is nothing to bear fruits yet. Be patient and always kind. You cannot hide from what they know about you. They are always ahead of you.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
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Saware · 1 year ago
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you've helped me in seeing that i need a professional counselor...., i mean what you said made sense but it's ignorant and unless you know the field i'm in or can hear what i'm about to say next it wont matter.... Thank you, you helped more then most on here
? · 1 year ago
Mr. Interesting · 1 year ago
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Alison · 1 year ago
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