Tuesday, August 16, 2016

[My Answers #1] How do you recognize an answer given by your intuition?

So back then I was bored and interested to answer questions from Yahoo. Here are some of them. (Oh yeah I love to read my own crafted words! :D)
How do you recognize an answer given by your intuition?


Best Answer:  In my own experience:

1. The 'voice' sounds neutral. Not rushing, not judging. Like simple facts (ex: "water boils at 100 degree celcius").

2. On the other hand it can also be compassionate, makes you feel genuinely good about yourself. But not an ordinary emotion of feeling good, it's more like a sense of relieved & being sincerely forgiven.

3. If it's about dangerous situation it could be pushing/rushing you to take action but it's devoid of anxiety. Because it's not originated from the mind/memory/your judgement about things and the world.

"RUN. GET OUT. GET OUTTA HERE." (no "!") Could be loud & pushing but not judging things as 'bad', 'ugly', etc.. if you know what I mean. It's just "something is out of place"... and you need to do something about it.

"There's something strange about this person" (ex: despite he's being friendly), "Something is not right in this place," "This letter feels strange.." I bet we all have met this situation sometimes.

4. May feel like comes out of nowhere. You're aware that you have no memory at all in your subconscious mind that could lead to this 'voice'/answer. But it could also be from 'creative connecting' process of the subconscious, like intuition of experienced experts (2 different kinds of intuition in this case).

5. Can also contradict everything you've ever known. Or what you see about something on the surface. So yes, following intuition sometimes needs COURAGE.

I also found that intuition doesn't care about your current lack of resources, the fears that you have - about how 'impossible' it is to act on the answer. That's why following intuition needs courage and mastery in other 'life skills'.

But how then to get the mastery (ex: releasing fear, dealing with change, how to get the resources I need, etc)? I would ask my intuition again for that! X-)

That's all I know. Still exercising listening & following mine too.

Prince Adrian · 3 years ago
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Asker's rating 5 out of 5
Prince Adrian's answer is absolutely terrific! Take heed. The only thing I can add is that intuition usually comes when we are not thinking about the topic.

susan · 3 years ago
I'ts more a feeling than a thought

? · 3 years ago


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