Best Answer: Pretty much about inner child/innocence or a hope for peaceful environment.
Now my personality reading about you (just for fun, don't take it seriously):
You're a simple & conservative person, feminine, a feeling type (compared to thinking & instinctual type).
Value relationship but introverted. You've got this dream/hope of "happy happily ever after in the end" about things/situation. There's a hint of inferiority feeling too.
But then, you're still very young (aged 12-15?). Lots of things can change.
Now how much of the above is true? ;)

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Is true yup I don't take things seriously
and femmine but I'm not really conversative and
yup I do have interfiroty feeling too . I am 21 yearold
there are a lot things correct :)
and femmine but I'm not really conversative and
yup I do have interfiroty feeling too . I am 21 yearold
there are a lot things correct :)
emoapple · 1 year ago
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